Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Ladies and Gents, the real Frankie Martin: Bake Sale Residency Artist #1

This past Friday marked the first ever Bake Sale Residency for Artists, a new program for Sweet Tooth of the Tiger. Artists who love to bake sweet treats apply to take over the bake sale table to sell their goodies in order to raise money for a creative project. I tag along on the bake sale and help out, as well as interview the artist/baker and then publish the interview here, on the blog.

The Bake Sale was at Secret Project Robot, my favorite space for art experiments. Frankie's bake sale went off without a hitch, almost selling out! Her arsenal included Vanilla Peanut Butter Surprise cupcakes (decorated with gel icing, Fruitloops and Kashi Heart to Heart cereal), Berry Brownies (made with raspberry extract and dried cherries), and Molasses Chocolate Chunk Ginger cookies. They were all dairy free except for the cookies (butter). They were so tasty and peeps were coming back to the table to tell her how much their tummy enjoyed her confections.

She had her moments of trying to answer strange questions from the crowd: the image below illustrates Frankie talking to a dude who makes pickles (I think his company is called Endless Pickles or whatever), and she's pointing to the brownies saying, no, I make brownies. I like pickles but I make brownies.

And then they become friends and she takes his money (she reaches for her fanny pack full of cash, still slightly confused).

It was too loud in there to conduct a video interview, so I emailed Frankie some questions the next day, and I'll post them here when she's done answering them. More on Frankie's interview in a later post.

While you're waiting, check out her website, Frankie Fever Forever and check out her dance moves.

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