Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Seventh Inning Stretch

Dear Sweet Teeth,
As mid-August approaches, Sweet Tooth of the Tiger finds itself nearing the homestretch!  The last two weekends have featured double-headers of sorts--nearly back-to-back gigs, home-runs in every bite!  At Exit Art, we enjoyed lots of delicious conversations with new friends and acquaintances (SHOUT OUT to the dude in the orange tiger t-shirt who drunkenly regaled me with "Eye of the Tiger".  I don't know who you are, but you made my day).  

At NADA's County (Af)Fair, the performance pieces were as stimulating as the sweet treats.

Last weekend, we helped Printed Matter celebrate their T-shirt Party.    We discussed the trials and tribulations of t-shirt modeling, apron collections, and the best ingredients for a sugar-free baked good before heading to Secret Project Robot for their Drawing Brunch.  At the Drawing Brunch, participants' creative appetites were whetted by brunch-y booze and food as they drew on others' drawings.  The palimpsests made for colorful images and conversations.  For photos, please see our flickr page.

On deck, T-Top and I will be participating in two events close to our hearts and mission.  As the season wraps up, if you haven't come out to see us yet, save the dates:

August 9, 1:30-4:30pm
ABC No Rio
156 Rivington St. 

August 11, 5-8pm (reception 5-6pm)
Recipe Slam and Community Cookbook Craft-Nite
325 Gold St - 6th floor, Brooklyn, NY

A-Rae and T-Top

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